Saturday, June 6, 2009

Books + Magic!!

I went to Summit, USJ for popular bookfair, MPH Jimat bookfair at Bandar Bukit Tinggi and AEON popular on friday. I was stucked in the traffic jam for 30 minutes just to cross the stupid Klang bridge. I went to the wrong way when we were on our way from USJ to BBT and we saw an incident happenned. The lorry turnover to the other side. The best part is the lorry is on the other way, then it had nothing to do with us what! How come Malaysians cant decreades their curiousity on these common business and pay more attention to our political issues. Indirectly, I'm trying to tell the people please do not 'KPC' for next time.
Back to the topic!! The first time ever in my life shop for books!! Yes!! Is books!! No clothes,pents or anything else but books!!

I dont feel my purse bleeding when I paid for 127 bucks for all the new books I have now.

As you can see most of it is Mandarin books or I should say my book rack is full of Chinese books except Harry Potter series and some of the novel!!

Booklist :

Romance of Three Kingdoms ( Mandarin version) : RM25

巴金: ‘家’, ‘春’,‘秋’: RM40

三国志: RM10

Chicken Soup ( Mandarin version) : RM 12.99

Nicholas Sparks : The choice : Rm 10

Chinese novel ( for mother ) : RM 4.90

Another English Books : Rm 7

DVD MOvie from Takeshi Kaneshiro : Accurancy of Death : RM 12.99

p/s: I will spent my holiday with them before I went back to Sabah. I want to finish " Romance of Three Kingdoms"


I just came back from Subang Parade with family. Mum thought of buying the limited edition bag but too bad somebody came before us. At the end, She had choosen another type of bag which is looks younger, nicer and energetic but of course the price also very nice la.

Subang Parade has Magic shows but my mum can see the Magician fail to become a Magician because my mum saw the fella punya trick!! wahahahah.

Please la, where got magic in this world?!

You thought Harry Potter kah?!

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