Friday, January 30, 2009


p/s: At least come back once in coming 2 years la and faster grab a boyfren in Swizerland!!

MY Chinese NEw Year!!

Hello people.
I'm so sorry for being away from my blog for such a long time.I have planned to post a Chinese New Year wish to all my visitors on the first day of CNY but unfortunately I was SICK!!!
I was feeling sick when I was on my way back from Sabah so end up I surrender to all the 'BACTERIA'!!! I have to take medicine on the first day and I have only visitted my uncle's house and the best part is

Anyway, I woke up at 9am where my dad was coming back to fetch us at 10am.
I have one hour to pack my stuff!!haha.
I dont really enjoyed my trip.That's because of I have went there lotcha times (uncountable).
I have no feeling towards there unless I got to go shopping.I told my mum we shall stat at home next year to celebrate CNY and become the host to organised a family buffet!!haha
Mum said YES!!

I still have a lot of thing haven wash and do(my homework)
I have no mood for my share and accounts!!
I know I have to do it if not Pn.Zaiton will kill me!!
I have a lot of work waititng for me in Sabah!!

I have the sense of EMo right now because I'm going back on sunday.
I keep telling to god.
' Cant you give me some extra time'??!!

Friday, January 23, 2009


My roommate went out in the early morning just to grab 160 external hard disk in a pc shop where only 5 unit will be sold in 98 bucks.
I wanted to get an external hard disk in last sem holiday but its because of financial problem( I'm jobless for the whole month, what you expect wei)!!
My auntie want to present me a external hard disk but I rejected( kindna regret now)
I just dont want to owe people something.If its in the sense of money then I can return it back with doubled or tripled of the actual amount but owe people a kindness cant paid back forever.So, I decided to get it later on.
But I have lots thing to keep especially my drama.My uncle told me I laptop capacity cant store too much of thing so he suggest me to get an external but I will get it after CNy or wait until MAy lo!!
I was running to the washroom since yesterday.5 times in 24 hours!
I think is because of the tomyam I had in the day before yesterday!!
I think is better I bought my own rice cooker from home after CNY!!
All of my friend went back home already.I think I'm the only one leaved out.
I really want to go back right now!!
All of my friends asked me why am I going back at the late time?!
Sunday's flight is much more cheaper then friday andsaturday!!!
kawan kawanku,sila jimat jimat pakai wang yea!! ekonomi sekarang tak bagus sangat!!
Eventhough, I'm going back only 1week for CNY but I promised to myself sleep only 7 hours everyday so that I got more time to catch up all the happiness with my family!!
Afetr that, I will wait until come back only settle all my work and report.
Last but not least,


Thursday, January 22, 2009


I have bad stomachache since this morning.Its maybe because of the tom yam soup last night.

My friend has faced the same problem too.

I have decided to change my flight to tomorrow morning so that I can save my 3 days time in Sabah.But unfortunately, the flight for tomorrow was fulled!!


I was like so emo just now.

Eventhough I'm willing to pay the extra payment by myself but MONEY ALSO CANT CHANGE ANYTHING!!

I was so excited the minutes before but now I need to get back to my work.

Corporate Comm- I'm a leader ( thx to Joann, Fm n Karien)

##I' m the first time become leader in assignment so I' not really get to used to it.Anyway, I will try my best to lead this assignment,mininise group's mistakes and get for hig marks.The best part is the lecturer is Dr. Jenie Liew!!!

Finance Management-

##This's the assignment that I nedd to learn how to buy and sell share with very reasonable market price.Every trading that I make I need to find soem news or article to proved and support my decision.This assignment is evaluating individually.I was so lose in this assignment.Eventhough its sound easy but I need to find the evidence!!


## we must formed 3 people in a group to solve the tutorial question.Fong mein said she will do for this coming week because she said she is not going back during Cny.Thank god man.

I have bought a new share

IOI corp

Rm 3.70( the price decrease since last 2 days ,is normal because is before CNY)

I need to look for articl or news to support in each every trading I make.

The marks will given to me if I can convince my lecturer with very reasonable evidence!!

She wish to see we earn more than 10k aftr CNY.

I know its tough for me but I have to carry on.

No one is going to help me but myself.

I cant wait to go back!!

P/s: looking forward on the first day of CNY!!got buffet in my uncle's house!!yeay!!































-hAPPy ChinesE nEw YeaR-

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Late Updates!!

I will back to Klang after another 4 days.
I have seen many of my hostelmates dragging their belonggings and passed by my windows.
I fell jealous on them because I have to wait for another few days.
Anyway, I 'm fortunate because I got the chance to celebrate CNY with my family...we!~!~!~!~

I went for my first Oral English class last night.
He is an 63 years old OLD man.He spokes fluence English.
He asked me lots of question.
He was quite lame actually.
He tries to make the class become interesting but I dont think he has make it.
He shares his family stories with us but its bored us.

But I did realise something after I have spoken with him.
I'm so glad I came from Convent.
I'm glad that my parents make the right decision to sent me to Convent 7 years ago.
If I wasn't been study in Convent, I think my English can compete with those who came from chinese educated and chinese family.
Eventhough my English wasn't that good but at least I know I can be better than other people.

I'm currently busy with my finance because I need to learn how to play syer.
I was given 10k to play in 8 weeks.
Anyone can help me to play syer.
At least dun let me rugi then shd be no prob already??!!

p/s: got clas at noon time until night.
I felt I will become very tired because I have night class until night 3 days per week.


p/p/s: I will update some pictuces in coming post!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I went for my English class last night.The class is in the Science Social tutorial room.So, I have quicken my footsteps when I was on my way to my class because there's was no light along the road.
When the moment I have found my classroom and I felt something strange. It was because I signed up for a female lecturer named, MS Lilian Lum but the lecturer in the room was a man.
He's not just a man but he's an old man. I think his age can be my grandfather then.I just walked in the classroom and approached a girl who sit nearest to the door and I whispered to her.
Me: Is this group 67??
The girl: yes. But If you dont want to faced a strict teacher ,you did better leave the class right now and just sign in any class that you wanted to go.( sounded a bit urgued)
Then I walked out from the class and stood at the cooridoor around 10 minutes.

In the end , I decided to walked in the class.
I saw the teacher while he's actually try to give some explainations to the students but seems like no one is interested in his class.

Me: IS this group 67??
The man : can you please repeat ??
( i was wondering are you deaf??)
Me: Is this group 67??
The man: oh yes yes come in please..
I was still stunned and stood on the original place.
But I stepped in to the class finally.
The man : DO you knoe why I ask you to join my class.??
Me : ..No...
The man: The moment you speak English to me, I straight away like you already..
Me :.....(OMG!!what are you trying to tell me with your sentence)

Then , I start to explain to him I wished to change to another group because I got class start from next week.
He said I just need those student who are interested in my class and no coming in and out.
THe most scary thing is : I dont want to get the hurt feeling!!!!

I was like since when I wanted to hurt you, my lecturer.I just want to negotiate with you. Cant you be a little bit patient and listen to me.

End up, I walked from the class then wait for a bus to go back my hostel.WHen the moment I was worrying.
Dad called me up and asked am I taken my dinner and I said yes ( actually I lied because I have no appetie to eat my dinner)
When my dad was listening to my story , I was crying actually but I just maintained my voice like normal( I hope my dad didn't realise that).

I went to meet the Head of Oral English Communication , Ms. Mxxxxxxxx Chee.
SHe asked me a damm stupid question: just tell me tutorial and lectures, which one is more important.
I answered: Both. Indeed!!
She replied: If you think English can be neglected and can be as important as your lectures then you can just drop your English!!
I was like:.....
She: Dont pretend you are so BLUR AND CANT UNDERSTAND MY ENGLISH!!!!

Hei, you bloody Mxxxxxxxx Chee cheebye.Cant you listen to my problem is it!!
God Damm fucked you asshole.
From the moment you explained all your bullshit to me and I realised that English teacher cant be very high quality because of they have a leader like you!!!
Damm pathetic on them.
You are so arrogant man!!!
I will prove to you, I wont die if you dont plan to approve my requirement!!!!!!!!
I can ensure you, You just failed to become a leader.
Please improved your management.
Shall I introduce Dr. Janie to become your management lecturer and I'm sure both of you can cooperate very well!!
I'm so angry and emo now.
Luckily is only 1 sem.
I will said bye bye to you in the next sem!!

I need sometime to recover my mood!!
This 's another stone that i need to cross over.

I believed:

Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve our condition

Monday, January 12, 2009

My First Week Gone With Drama

I'm watching Hong Kong drama in the whole week.
" The Gem Of Life"
I believes a lot of people had heard for that.
I remembered there's been a long time I'm not interested in Hong Kong Drama because I feel so lifeless and meaningless.
But my perspective on Hong Kong drama has changed after I have watch the 'Moonlight .......'.
And these is the first time TVB showing a huge budget drama.
The total episod is 82.
I got until 53.
So, I have watched until 40 episod.
Jo Ann, she 's damm keng.She stopped at 45 episod.
I got the drama ealier than her!!
I like the character of Martin.
I was wondering can I find a man like him to become my husband.
I dont mean that I need an old man but I need a man like him.
Just like how he treats Jessica in the movie.
I know there's no perfect thing in this world.
So, highly reccommand this drama to all my friends.
Btw, I like the songs in the drama.
Not only the theme song but also the song which played in the drama.

p/s: Cant wait to go back for CNY man.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

A story


黑白老鼠 這個故事比喻的真是棒!


他立刻用生平最大的力氣和最快的速度逃開,但是老虎緊追不捨, 他一直跑一直跑一直跑, 最後被老虎逼入了斷崖邊上。

站在懸崖邊上,他想: 「與其被老虎捉到,活活被咬、肢解,還不如跳入懸崖,說不定還有一線生機。」


正在慶幸的時候,他聽到斷崖深處傳來巨大的吼聲,往崖底望去,原來有一只兇猛的獅子正抬頭看著他, 獅子的聲音使他心顫,但轉念一想: 「獅子與老虎是相同的猛獸,被甚麼吃掉,都是一樣的。」

當他一放下心,又聽見了一陣聲音,仔細一看,一黑一白的兩隻老鼠,正用力地咬著梅樹的樹幹。 他先是一陣驚慌,立刻又放心了,他想:「被老鼠咬斷樹幹跌死,總比被獅子咬好。」 情緒平復下來後, 他感到肚子有點餓,看到梅子長得正好, 就採了一些吃起來。

他覺得一輩子從沒吃過那麼好吃的梅子,找到一個三角形樹丫休息, 他想著: 「既然遲早都要死,不如在死前好好睡上一覺吧!」 他在樹上沉沉的睡去了。睡醒之後,他發現黑白老鼠不見了,老虎、獅子也不見了。

他順著樹枝,小心翼翼的攀上懸崖, 終於脫離險境。 原來就在他睡著的時候,飢餓的老虎按捺不住,終於大吼一聲, 跳下懸崖。 黑白老鼠聽到老虎的吼聲,驚慌逃走了。跳下懸崖的老虎與崖下的獅子展開激烈的打鬥,雙雙負傷逃走了。




白天和黑夜的交替,就像黑白老鼠, 不停地正用力咬著我們暫時棲身的生活之樹,









所以你們有沒有好好的享受你在世上的每一分每一秒 ?



請你看看那晴朗的天空和那飄渺的白雲,其實你又錯過了美好的一天呀 !

有些朋友雖然不常聯絡,卻偶爾寄個 E-mail 、也許是一些笑話、溫馨小品,或是小遊戲給你,


因此,要時時心存好意! 腳走好路!身行好事,..... 。



I have done a test just now.

The text is going to predict when is your LAST DAY IN THIS WORLD!!!!

wow!! wow!! wow!!!

After surveral of questionaire.

the result is:

You are going to die on: 24.12.2068

Why must one day before Christmas le??

So that the people who attend my furneral no need to take leave is it because the next day is Christmas!!!

hahahha!!I'm just joking la.

p/s: I need to learn the buy and sell share asap if not my financial management can just flew!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!

p/p/s: I'm hoping my class on next week will go back normal if not I will get crazy!!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Second day In Second Sem

I supposed to have class now but lecturer cancelled class.
I was busy with the uni system yesterday because we have to certified our class with signature.
Can you just imagined that few hundreds of student try to go in a super small room.
The corridoor was fulled of human and I think most of the people dont even can breathe inside.
I have to thank to god and my parents that I 'm tall enough in among all the people.
At least I can breathe more fresh air if compared with other people.
Another stupid idea was, I have to take APK and titas in this sem so have to take another 2 softskills in another sem.
I wa slime keep on changing and changing and changing.....
Can they just set a proper system to let us register our course easily.
Hei,to all the leacturers...
You guys been given salary from the government so please do your work la.
Cant you guys do a little bit of extra work in the holiday??!!

I think this culture can be stated as MALAYSIAN's Culture.
I wonder why dont our government promote these culture to all the people in the world??!!
Damm stupid man.
I haven't settle my stuff yet so I have to follow up with all the beloved lecturers in next week.
Cant wait for the time to passed.
But once CNY passed which means I will stayed here for another 3 months++

Hard time to go man!!

p/s: as usual, we faced another group problem before we get started in our work.I wonder when will it over.

p/p/s: I got another drama from friend...

p/p/s: 我要自由!!!我不要有人成为我的影子!!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

NeW SeM, NeW LiFe, NeW Expreince

I reached KK, Sabah yesterday.
Thank god, my laguage wasn't OVERWEIGHT but is just accurate 15.5kg!!
The operator let me PASSED!!we~~~~
My flight was delayed 30 minutes because of the bad weather (I think so)
We were so miserable yesterday when we went into the flight because is too many bags with us.
We cant find a place in the flight after we settled our belongings.
There was a Malay women asked me do I want to sit inside.
I was like:...okok..its next to the window man..Get to see the environment outside the plane!!yeayea!!
When the flight began to fly I was so excited then from the moment the flight leave the lane.
I can actually feel that I'm flying (hyperbola).
The view was quite nice but because of the bad weather. after 30 minutes of nice view then I went into the white atmosphere.
There was clouds everywhere and the flight seems like not very stable because of the heavy clouds.

Then I cant sleep in the flight because the Mat Salleh behind was super Dupper annoying man.Damm that fella!!
I was half sleeping in the flight.
After we get out from the flight then traffic jam in the kk terminal!!

After got myself out from the check in then waited for the car to pick us up.
UMS did provided bus transportation from air port to UNI but we decided to take taxi.
It's not really like taxi but is a rent car.
It's quite cheap (14 bucks),4 wheel car wei!!

After I have settled my laguage in my room,my hand was kindna pain because need to carry my bags with myself to 4th floor.
Can you imagine the pain in my hand right now.
After bathing then start to watch movie.I got nothing to do except watch movie until chew hong called me to her room.
We end up at 11pm.
People my get curious why I didnt Emo for this time.
Actually,I did.
I cant controlled myself when my dad sent me off in the air port.
I cried and my friends were suprised.
I cried when I was keeping my stuff into my cupboard.
I cried seriously bad in the bath room.
I just want to mixed my tears with the water.
I cried when I was lying on my bed last night.
I told myself parents are sending me here for study.
Be brave, man!!

Another 20 days I 'm back for cny!!
Cant wait for the time to passed.
I will start my new sem next Monday.
Another barnd new sem without my friend besides me.
I do feel afraid actually.
I do afraid I cant handled my stuff better than last sem.
Try my best to overcome then.

P/s: from next week onwards, I might not have extra time to updates.Stay tuned, my friends!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

HAppy NEw YeaR

First of all,Happy NEw Year to everyone(eventhough is 30 minutes after the first day)

Another 9 hours, I will in my flight back to Sabah.
I dont think I can sleep tonight.
When I was packing my bag, I saw mum cried behind me but I just dont asked her the reason.
i know it 's because of I'm leaving tommorrow.
Eventhough, I will be back during Chinese New Year.
But, Still right?!

We need to separate for another 23 days (perhaps)?!
I tried to avoid myself from looking at my mum.But my tears just like losing control.
I remembered Pauline has told me before she will cried everytime she is going back to UUm.
I know the feeling this time.
Mum has maked me jagung cake and fried udang kecil ( he mi) on today.

Once a while, I remebered the hardwork my parents work behind me,
I told myself what is my responsible.
I will keep reminding myself what I need to do in my 3 years of UNi's life.
I know this's a bit stupid and I shouldnt do that to give myself pressure but I still prefer pressure because it will hold my spirit on my work.

What I wished is I dont cry in front of my parents on tomorrow's morning.
I dont want to let them see my face with tears.
I dont want to show my weak face in front of them!!
So be brave man, yeanyeon!!

Once I go back,

I cant use pc to online so often.

I cant update my blog so frequence.
I cant eat all the nice-nice food...

A lot until cant write it out!!
After I go back,
I need to clean my room.
I need to eat alone.
I need to do everything alone.
I need..

I need...

I went Sze hoong's hse for new year's eve.
Some photos have taken from her house.

Sze hoong- with her pig face.

JO!!-dont eat so many pizza d wei!!

Frm left(all s sze hoong's cousin): Alex, Hock Chuan's bro, Hock Chuan ( my driver)!!

The picture we took in CENTRo's washroom!!
